Their explosion is powerful, causing a characteristic mushroom cloud and leaving residual radioactivity, initially 40 rads/sec., but which quickly drops to low levels that linger for quite a while. This is a Fallout: New Vegas cheats, tips and console command guide. The weapon can be used outside of V.A.T.S. Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima while Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki. However, it is more durable, never jams, costs 10 less Action Points per attack, is more powerful by 75 direct damage compared to the Fat Man, and is able to use the GRA mini nuke ammo types. Annabelle is a unique missile launcher which appears to have a long history of service. It is heavy, especially in Hardcore mode when combined with its mini nukeammunition, but very powerful. 65 Restores the original Bethesda concept of a targetting computer modification for the Fat Man launcher. Note: The cheat console below works with the Original Fallout 3 game as well as New Vegas-I am unsure of the item codes but will add a list of New Vegas item codes in the near future.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The game comes with different difficulty levels but even at the easiest difficulty levels those who are new to the game or those who have low-end PCs are having problems playing Fallout: Las When equipped, Esther provides unique defense bonuses. The Fat Man is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. While playing the game, press ~ (the key above TAB left of 1) to display the console window. For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, GameFAQs has 113 cheat codes and secrets. The bastard child of a Fat Man and an automatic shotgun. Annabelle has a built-in guidance system to improve accuracy, and uses less AP in V.A.T.S. 0.5 That also gives you a ton of health and maxes all your skills and SPECIALs. ammo type Fat Man In Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. The ammunition from their dead body will transfer into mini nukes and be put into your inventory. You can delete all patches for the game by using the "Clear hard drive cache" code for the Xbox 360. This is a bug that applies to all non-hitscan projectiles that cause explosions.