Monster stat block template 5e
Monster stat block template 5e

monster stat block template 5e

Shuffleboard - A modern dashboard for FRC Asynchronous streaming functions for large JSON data sets. Webgl-particle-effect-tutorial - A tutorial for creating a WebGL fire particle effect using billboarded quadsīfj - Big-Friendly JSON. Statblock5e - A Web Component statblock for D&D 5E This separation of concerns allows designers to use the technologies they are comfortable with (without having to dig into the JavaScript) and developers to isolate and test individual components using familiar techniques. There are no fully JavaScript-driven templates in MontageJS. With few exceptions, a component can stand on the web platform like any other web page.

monster stat block template 5e

Each component is modeled as a stand-alone web application with its own HTML template, JavaScript, CSS, serialized component object model, and resources. Each component can stand alone or be composed of other components.

monster stat block template 5e

MontageJS has a clean interface for creating custom user interface components. Designed with an eye toward maintainability and performance, MontageJS simplifies the development of rich HTML5 applications by providing modular components, real-time two-way data binding, object serialization with DOM mapping, event handling, a managed component draw cycle, CommonJS dependency management, and many more conveniences to help build robust single-page web applications. MontageJS is a new type of application framework powered by standard web technologies. Montage - Montage is an elegant, open source HTML5 framework maintained by Montage Studio that rivals native SDKs, yet is easier to learn The interaction with the custom HTML elements is done using the standard DOM API. The complexity of HTML, CSS and components behavior is encapsulated behind a custom HTML element. The custom HTML elements allow to share those features and qualities in a standard way. Web Components are a set of features which allow to enhance the HTML vocabulary with custom HTML elements when the standard HTML elements are not sufficient (for example, a Button with an icon or a DatePicker). They allow you to create a consistent user experience aligned to the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines and incorporate the Fiori 3 design. The UI5 Web Components are the new offering of UI5 to provide a set of reusable UI elements to you which can be used for your static web sites or for web application using any web framework of your choice with a minimalistic footprint. Ui5-webcomponents - UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice

Monster stat block template 5e